The Bitterman comic-strip which appeared in the February issue of Mad magazine shows a young girl named Zoe attempting to drag her uncle Joe into a Spenzers Gifts. The uncle protests entering the store by saying "Hell no!" and calling it a "cesspool" that "is no place for a girl of your age." He then goes on to say:
"These crappy novelty stores symbolize the decline of society. It's just a filthy display of cheap, perverted sex novelties and lame, 60s-inspired drug paraphernalia. Look around at the people in that place, Zoe--it's a congregation of Goth freaks and trailer trash, all stopping by to get a cheap laugh over phallic hand soap and battery-opperated fart machines. Every fake preteen "punk" can get a nipple ring while daddy ogles Carmen Electra posters. It's a den of illiteracy, immorality and ignorance."
The town in which I live is one giant Spenzers.
"These crappy novelty stores symbolize the decline of society. It's just a filthy display of cheap, perverted sex novelties and lame, 60s-inspired drug paraphernalia. Look around at the people in that place, Zoe--it's a congregation of Goth freaks and trailer trash, all stopping by to get a cheap laugh over phallic hand soap and battery-opperated fart machines. Every fake preteen "punk" can get a nipple ring while daddy ogles Carmen Electra posters. It's a den of illiteracy, immorality and ignorance."
The town in which I live is one giant Spenzers.
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